DISCLAIMER: Activities in the cybersecurity field may be illegal in your country . They also may be frowned upon by your employer or internet provider . What is this? The Ukrainian open -source community has built a tool that can be used even by complete newbies in the field of cybersecurity : https://arriven.github.io/db1000n/#quickstart-guide It is as easy as running an app on your computer . This tool automatically picks up the websites published by the IT Army . You don’t have to do anything except run it and keep the computer on . That said , it is always a good idea to stick to security practices . Make sure you use VPN . Check out this list of VPN options : https://arriven.github.io/db1000n/#how-to-choose-vpn If you know what a Docker is , then use it : https://arriven.github.io/db1000n/#docker How does this work? Every computer is like a server. You give traffic to the app. If there is too much traffic on a website, it goes down. This is called DDOS (distributed denia...
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