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Help save lives of Ukraine's soldiers and civilians

 UNITED24, Ukraine's official fundraising platform, is starting a fundraiser for robot soldiers. They will save the lives of the military and civilians. They will become logistics devices, tow trucks, minelayers and deminers, as well as self-destructive robots. They will fight alongside people and for people.  They are already proving their effectiveness in the battlefield as shown below These are combat robots . Combat robots are designed for remote combat missions , such as the assault or defense of positions , surveillance and reconnaissance . All while their operators are in shelters , at a safe distance of up to 4 kilometers away . These systems are equipped with PKT and PKM machine guns of 7 .62mm caliber , as well as NSVT and M2 Browning machine guns of 1 2 .7mm caliber . Such robots can hit targets at a distance of up to 2 kilometers . Some of them are protected against small arms fire , and are equipped with thermographic cameras for ...
Recent posts

Help demine Ukraine with a small donation of $5

About 156,000 km² of Ukraine needs to be demined . This is an area the size of Belgium, Denmark and the Czech Republic combined!  Help #DemineUkraine for a small monthly donation of only  $5 . This is how to do it: Go to Then, click the "Donate now" button. Then, go to "Humanitarian demining". Then, click "Credit Card or PayPal". Change the option to "Monthly". Enter the amount you want to donate. Proceed with the payment. Make the lives of Ukrainians more safer. More than 1,000 people have died in Ukraine since the war began due to mine explosions. Approximately 12% of verified mine casualties were children. This is not counting the scores of people who have had their limbs amputated or have been maimed due to mines. Estimates suggest that at least 15,000 people have lost their limbs, with numbers continuing to grow. More than ten million people in Ukraine live in areas in need of mine action assistance. If each of us donates ...

Request to Americans

 From discord: @everyone a request from DFoU to the Americans onboard here.  US Citizens, write your representatives in Congress about aid to Ukraine immediately.   The budget is getting passed piecemeal and support for Ukraine is coming up fast.  For those heavily on social media, or connected to fellas on Twitter, I recommend getting the word out any way you can.  There was a time that being a conservative like Eisenhower or Reagan meant that if a country was resisting foreign aggression that the US would support it.  There was a time that people remembered that isolationism always ends in places like Pearl Harbor.   There was a time when leaders weren't afraid to spend dollars today to save spilling blood tomorrow. Many of you are more eloquent than I am.  Please use your own words but USE your words and be heard. Credits to <@742...

Give ambulances to Ukraine — and get your donation matched

 Uber is supporting UNITED24's  fundraiser  for ambulances in Ukraine. Every dollar you donate will be matched by Uber.  Ukraine's healthcare services have been crippled when it is needed the most. Ambulances are urgently needed. Ukraine is procuring Type-C ambulances, which have advanced medical equipment. Every ambulance can save hundreds of lives. Make an impact. Please donate .

Help 40 families return to their homes in Irpin

 Assist in the reconstruction of homes in Ukraine by visiting If you're interested in lending a helping hand towards the restoration of apartment buildings in Kyiv oblast, please consider making a donation by visiting Your generosity will make a significant impact on the lives of those who have been impacted by this issue. Every penny counts and it will help 40 families currently living in temporary shelters to return to their homes. Prevention is better than having to go through the destruction. Help remove Russian warships that send out cruise missiles to destroy civilian infrastructure by donating to Thank you for considering to donate.

Help Ukraine win — all by downloading an app

  DISCLAIMER: Activities in the cybersecurity field may be illegal in your country . They also may be frowned upon by your employer or internet provider . What is this? The Ukrainian open -source community has built a tool that can be used even by complete newbies in the field of cybersecurity : It is as easy as running an app on your computer . This tool automatically picks up the websites published by the IT Army . You don’t have to do anything except run it and keep the computer on . That said , it is always a good idea to stick to security practices . Make sure you use VPN . Check out this list of VPN options : If you know what a Docker is , then use it : How does this work? Every computer is like a server. You give traffic to the app. If there is too much traffic on a website, it goes down. This is called DDOS (distributed denia...